Your Online Presence and Grant Assessments

We are often asked about the impact of an online presence when it comes to funding applications.  Your web and social media addresses are required on most application forms, so you can assume that it's important to the funders and in fact, it can definitely play an important part in the funder’s evaluation. Quite understandably, updating your website and using social media may not be your top priority when you're busy running a non-profit and delivering programs, but your online presence plays an important role in showcasing the credibility, professionalism, outreach, and impact of your organization or project.  


Here are some things to keep in mind:


  • Funders and donors extensively research applicants to assess their suitability for investment. By keeping your social media accounts and website active and up to date, you enhance your visibility and assist them understand your work, which can set you apart from other applicants.

  • Updated social media platforms and websites demonstrate active engagement with stakeholders, including clients, partners, and supporters. It is a great opportunity to illustrate transparency by sharing progress, challenges, and impact, such as providing downloadable annual reports and announcing their availability through media blasts.  Funders and donors read those!

  • Social media platforms demonstrate your organization's willingness to actively and publicly engage with stakeholders.

  • Including current information and relevant links in your area of expertise shows that what you are doing is informed by evidence-based knowledge.

  • Sharing news about new funders, projects, community involvement, awards, and other newsworthy content provides evidence of growth and impact, and funders are looking for a good impact investment.  Always showcase your accomplishments, milestones, and success stories.


Maintaining a strong online presence has become essential. It shows commitment to reaching your target audiences, establishes credibility, and increases your chances of securing funding. It is worth noting that even foundations that “do not accept solicitations” often quietly conduct their own research and approach organizations directly with funding offers. Ensure your online presence grabs their attention!


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