Strategic Plans and Grant Writing
As the new year begins, many non-profits begin a new cycle of planning, making it an ideal time to revisit the importance of strategic planning and how the plan supports grant writing.
A strategic plan is a "functional roadmap" for a non-profit, outlining its goals, priorities, and actions. It helps ensure alignment with the mission, focus resources, and track progress. It guides decision-making and enables organizations to adapt to changing needs while staying true to their mission.
A well-developed strategic plan also demonstrates a non-profit's capacity to deliver impactful programs, which is crucial when engaging funders. It should also inform your grant strategy to ensure funding requests align with organizational priorities. This reassures funders that their investment will support feasible, measurable outcomes, increasing the likelihood of securing grants.
A thorough strategic plan typically includes:
Vision and Mission Statements that clearly articulate the organization’s purpose and long-term goals.
Core Values that highlight the principles guiding your work, helping funders understand your cultural and ethical priorities.
Time-bound and measurable goals and objectives that align with your mission.
Data-driven evidence, analysis and insights into the communities or issues you address, demonstrating a deep understanding of challenges and opportunities.
Action Plans that specify resources, timelines, and responsibilities to achieve the goals and objectives.
Evaluation Metrics that outline methods for measuring progress on outcomes and the quality of the programs.
Sustainability Plans with strategies for long-term viability. Note: regularly updating your strategic plan is a key sustainability strategy!
A strategic plan establishes priorities for your grant strategy and strengthens proposals. It should also be used be a guiding document that equips your team to stay focused on ensuring consistent progress toward your mission.