Grant Tips
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to the process, grant writing can be complicated and stressful. Our Grant Tips suggest ways to ‘unpack’ what is needed in a fabulous grant proposal and craft the best one possible for your non-profit - helping you to stand out from the competition!
Our Top 10 Grant Writing Tips booklet is available for download and packed with pointers and recommendations that will improve your grant writing game.
Your Online Presence and Grant Assessments
We are often asked about the impact of an online presence when it comes to funding applications…………
Strengthening Your Proposals with a Data Collection Strategy
Without question, organizations seeking funding have confidence in their projects……..
Writing SMART Goals
How many times have you come across a funding application that requires SMART goals ….
Developing a Grant Strategy
It goes without saying that finding funds is an ongoing concern …
What’s in a Strong Letter of Support?
When a project involves a partner organization or numerous …
Overcoming Writer’s Block
Ever wondered how to get started on a grant application? You’ve …
Determining if a Grant is Right for You
Sometimes it can be challenging to know whether or not …
Let’s Talk Budgets
These tips will hopefully assist with the task of developing the project budget for your application a bit more manageable.
What is a “Needs Statement” and do I need one?
What is a “Needs Statement” and do I need one?
What’s the fuss about Outcomes and Outputs?
You have probably encountered the terms “outputs” and “outcomes” in your grant writing, which are used by funders to gauge if your project is a good return on their investment.
Your Grant Writing Bestie: Application Guides
Depending on the funder, application guides can differ in length, detail, user-friendliness, and in some cases, the funder does not provide one at all.
Letters of Support: Who’s in Your Corner?
This is why letters of support are useful tools for your nonprofit or charity.
Is Your Organization Grant Ready?
Here are three key grant readiness areas that funders examine when you apply for a grant.